"The Original" Grab-N-Go Fire Starter Cups
Grab-N-Go Fire Starter Cups™
Start your fire with our recycled fire starter cups using wax, sawdust, and an egg carton cup.
Our Fire Starter Cups are 100% recycled and/or repurposed materials containing no chemicals.
WAX – All of the wax that we use comes from Marklin Candle Design, a company who makes candles for churches and other occasions. Under the return policy, churches can return unused parts of the candles. After going through a process to get back to a useable candle again, there is wax that is discarded. Red, blue, white, green, etc., even 14 K gold is in the wax we use. If you hold some of the fire starters up to the light, you will see the glimmer of gold. Upon occasion we also repurpose donated bee wax originally used by Marklin to coat beehives.
SAWDUST – The sawdust we use comes from the State Prison Woodshops in Berlin & Concord, NH.
EGG CUPS – Customers as well as friends and family save egg cartons for us to recycle. We also purchase egg cartons in bulk to keep up with demand.
Made in the USA by American Veterans.
Over 83,000 fire starter cups sold to date!
STARTING YOUR FIRE - We find it best to place a fire starter cup in the middle of your starter wood as the wax will drip down and burn the wood below as well as what is around and above the fire starter cup. When lighting the cup, turn it upside down with the sawdust end on the bottom and light the corners.
Each fire starter cup will burn for approximately 15-20 minutes. Use one per fire or perhaps two if your wood pieces are large, damp, or wet.
The Fire Starter Cups are made in New Hampshire by American Veterans. This is our 7th year of supplying fire starter cups to campgrounds throughout New Hampshire and beyond.
New Hampshire State Parks and Marklin Candle Design have been excellent supporters of Veterans Camp America, llc, Bow, NH
Don’t be bashful. Please purchase some Fire Starter Cups.
Return Policy
After 8 years of making and selling our branded Grab -N-Go Fire Starter Cups we have never encountered an issue with the performance of any Fire Starter Cup.
Therefore our return policy is that there is no return policy.
Contact Craig our President/CEO with any issues.
PayPal cancelled our payment system along with many other small business like ours.
We’re shipping on the honor system.
Tell us what you want with contact information. We will ship with an invoice due on receipt. Send a check.
We find everyone to be honest and it’s working so far.
Send your information to Craig:
Your order keeps retired Veterans busy and thank you.
This is a 100 count box full of fire starters